I offer several power-packed programs

One is likely just right for you

one - on - one private coaching programs

please inquire as to current openings in my schedule
Three month Intensive - accelerated focused solution coaching
Effective for:
  • Establishing new habits or routines
  • Developing spiritual practices
  • Developing new healthy lifestyle habits
  • Working with one very specific short term goal
  • Visioning
  • Mapping a plan
  • Making a major life decision
  • Clearing clutter
  • Changing out a couple of limiting beliefs that are holding you back
Your time and money investment (and your commitment to yourself)
9 calls (55 min each) (3 calls per month, 3 months total)
regular email access with quick response
One 15 min emergency call as needed during working hours
The amount of time you devote to your work in-between calls is up to you.
Know that your results will depend upon your investment of time and energy between calls.
Your investment:
Single payment of $2475 or two payments of $1347 each
6 month Immersion (accelerated focused coaching with a deeper dive into self understanding)
Effective for:
  • Developing a more grounded and loving relationship with yourself (explore some personal issues)
  • Letting go of old habits that are somewhat sticky and implementing replacement habits
  • Visioning and beginning new adventures (or ventures)
  • Mapping and solidly initiating a plan for a new adventure (or venture)
  • Diving more deeply into one or two specific areas of your life that you want to shift
  • Exploring your spiritual or creative self more deeply and developing practices that speak to that
  • Working more deeply with beliefs/choices and create new identity/image for yourself
  • Deep clean - clutter clearing and creating an environment that suits you
Your time and money investment (and your commitment to yourself)
13 calls (90 min kick-off call plus 12calls @ 55 min each)
email access with quick response
Two 15 minute emergency calls as needed during work hours
The amount of time you devote to your work in-between calls is up to you.
Know that your results will depend upon your investment of time and energy between calls.
Your investment:
Single payment of $3712 or two payments of $2017 each
One Year Tranformative Healing Journey and Walkabout for the truly committed 
To read more about this transformative year -long journey, please click here
Shamanic consultation regarding dreams, symbolism and exploring signs and animals showing up in your life, especially in nature. Single sessions - $300 an hour - 30 minute minimum. (no on-going contract)

Relationship Coaching for couples:

You may choose one of the above one-on-one programs to focus on your relationship. The time we spend together will be a bit longer per session. Please email me and we will set up a time to chat and custom-design a program tailored to your relationship needs.

You may also schedule an intensive weekend couple's retreat with me. You will need to travel to Nevada City, CA at your own expense (a very fun place to visit). This option is only available to couples who are not in a major crisis mode, and wish to reconnect more deeply and tuneup their relationship. Please send an email to kathyloh@coachkathy.com to inquire.

Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching for larger groups - please inquire

I will generally keep these prices updated, and they are subject to change without notice. Depending upon your financial situation and motivation, other flexible options may be created. Please feel free to inquire.


MAPP assessment: measures what motivates you in the workplace and offers career suggestions based on results. You can receive the comprehensive executive package at a fraction of the online cost. Make it part of your coaching package or purchase this separately with a 2 hour evaluation coaching session.

PRINT assessment measures your personality type and what your conscious and unconscious motivators are as well as what triggers you. This is a great assessment for couples and families as well as individuals. Order it as part of your ongoing coaching arrangement or purchase it separately in a package that includes the assessment (taken online) with a 2 hour evaluation and coaching.

email: kathyloh@coachkathy.com


Why coaching?

What makes the investment worthwhile for you?


How many times in the past week have you used the word overwhelmed?

My clients have the same issues you may have. They want to manage their time better, awaken each day with a sense of purpose and aliveness. Many are experiencing a major life transition, feel overwhelmed, stuck or burned out. Many are grieving or experiencing heartbreak.

You may want to complete a specific goal and need someone to hold you accountable. Perhaps you are wanting to do some more introspective work and get to the truth, investigate worn out beliefs that no longer serve you, embrace a greater sense of choice in your life; all of which coaching can offer.

My coaching style embraces both action and reflection. It is about developing a healthy and intimate relationship with yourself and others. So, for example, if you come to me to be coached around clearing the clutter out of your house, we will also look at the clutter in your brain and your life overall. This is because the clutter is likely an outward manifestation of something going on inside of you and/or it is symbolic of other things going on in your life.

If you want and are willing to experience personal and life transformation, if you are on the threshold between endings and new beginnings, if you are willing to seek what is true for you, then we are a good match.

Together we will create a design that addresses your personal life agenda and:

  • Makes you aware of how you create your own stumbling blocks
  • Reveals and dispels old outdated beliefs that are no longer working for you.
  • Find new pathways for you to walk toward your fulfillment and happiness
  • Get to the essence of who you are and all that's possible for you
  • You will laugh and you will cry and you will feel fully alive!
  • Unleash your creative genius
  • Prioritize your activities in alignment with what matters most to you, your core values.

Special note for Creatives: Maybe you  have a file/head/room full of ideas and half-completed projects. It could be that you are a musician who practices regularly and performs frequently and you are wondering what happened to your joy for music making. Perhaps you are a music teacher and  you are bored with the routine and your students know it. Maybe you have many great ideas for your studio and personal projects, but no time to pursue them. If this is you, then you are a perfect candidate for coaching and if you want it to be imaginative, intuitive and intelligent, inspirational, challenging and fun, then wait no longer! email me to set up a complimentary sample session! kathyloh@coachkathy.com

I have advanced training in Organizational Systems and Relationship Coaching  and Co-active Leadership, as well as Lucid Living Coaching.  I coach individuals, couples, small groups such as non-profit groups, associations and faculties.

If your association, ensemble or organization would like to be more productive, communicate more effectively and joyfully create together, inquire about organizational leadership training and coaching.

Click here to read my article about relationship coaching (MS Word)

Click here to link to the same article published in CTI Newsletter: Inquiry

Interested in more articles by/about me? Please click here to jump to the About Coach Kathy Page where you will find a list of articles.

email: kathyloh@coachkathy.com

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